martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

43% of Spanish drivers killed in 2013 tested positive for blood alcohol or drugs

The 43.09 % of drivers killed in road traffic accident last year , analyzed by the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences ( INTCF ) , tested positive for alcohol, drugs and / or psychotropic drugs.

The majority of these victims profile corresponds to a male between 30 and 40 who has consumed alcohol.

Similarly, it has been noted that 23 % of deaths due to collisions also had concentrations of these substances in blood. In this sense, the profile of a male over 60 who has been ingested psychotropic drugs and alcohol.

As indicated by the INTCF , one of the highlights of the report is data that has fallen alcohol intake on victims of trafficking in more than 6 points, while the intake of drugs and psychotropic drugs has increased 3 and one point, respectively.

Similarly, he stressed that the overall percentage of 43% a decrease of three points with those reported in the memory of 2012 ( located in an 47.32 %). Similarly, this decline represents a rupture in recent five years and in 2010 was 42.6 % and in 2011 reached 45 % style .

During the presentation of the report, the Director General of Traffic, Maria Segui , said that these figures come to give " value to changes in the new Traffic Act " and pointed out the importance of the " impact of drugs on the occurrence of a loss , regardless of the consequences . "

Segui, who has not wanted to assess if Castuera (Badajoz ) that killed 5 kids on the grounds that it would be "prudent" to be in judicial process itself has indicated that positive for alcohol and drugs are " one of the workhorses " of his department.

Meanwhile, the prosecutor of Road Safety , Bartolomé Vargas , has indicated that the maximum penalty for reckless homicide with positive toxicological analysis is four years .

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