martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

The autopsy revealed that Carrasco was topped with a coup de grace to the head after being shot three times at close range in the back

The provisional results issued to the holder of the Court of Instruction No. 4 of Lion instructs the death of the president of the council show that Isabel Carrasco was topped with a coup de grace to the head, after receiving three shots at close range in the back , two in the trunk and one in the base of the neck , near the collarbone and neck .

According to sources in the investigation, Martinez last week , exmilitante PP , had received the news that should return a significant amount (some sources say up to 12,000 euros ) improperly charged after his dismissal as the interim council in May 2011 , having worked there from January 2007
And meanwhile , continue interrogating the two suspects , mother and daughter. " Extremely quiet and even colder ," say the police have attended his first and unsuccessful claims. María Montserrat González Fernández , the mother accused of killing the president of the council of Leon , Isabel Carrasco, and again denied knowing anything about the murder. " Why am I arrested ? I have nothing to do with this, " he repeated over and over again , sources of research, emphasizing that again and again keeps the same version without incurring contradictions.


Gonzalez, who is in the police station in León, is also well excuse his daughter, Triana engineer Montserrat Martínez González , 35 . Martinez, who also denies any connection with the events , has been transferred to the police station in San Andrés de Rabanedo under strict surveillance fearing to attempt suicide .

The agents are inclined to think that both participated in the murder , although material author is the mother, but do not rule that actually try to cover up for her daughter. The retired police officer who witnessed the events ensures that the two women fled the catwalk where the ambush occurred and both , at a given moment, were separated. The agent ' second job ' decided to follow the older , which was captured by the municipal police participating in the device. Her daughter was captured minutes later when he came to the place where he had allegedly been with her mother.

In any case , researchers are still waiting to hear the results of the paraffin tests that determine who has gunpowder residue on his hands. The mother refused to voluntarily submit to the expert , so that an injunction was necessary to

Police this morning plans to start searching for the murder of the president of PP Leon , Isabel Carrasco, in the waters of the river Bernesga after unsuccessfully trace the banks of the riverbed weapon. Security forces are planning to mobilize divers to enter the Bernesga , whose channel is already decreasing after a dam has been closed to facilitate the work of search . What is certain is the gun used in the killing is not the service weapon of the father and husband of the two suspects , the head of Astorga inspector , Pablo Antonio Martinez, who has already informed his superiors that his gun has always been in his power. The police have said that at no time suspected that his wife or daughter could concoct a revenge well .

Meanwhile, the head of the Court of Instruction No. 4 of Lion instructs the death of the president of the council has decreed a gag for " not hinder the investigation." The autopsy report submitted to the court revealed that the cause of death was " hypovolemic shock ( bleeding ) and higher centers of destruction caused by an assault gun ."

Researchers believe that the recent defeat in the courts of a long and tortuous labor dispute against the engineer Provincial de León was the last trigger for the murder of Leon PP leader .

According to sources in the investigation, Martinez last week , former member of the PP had received the news that should return a significant amount (some sources say 6,500 euros and euros otras12.000 ) improperly charged after his dismissal as the interim council in May 2011 , having worked there since January 2007. last year , the institution will notify tried on three occasions ( in February, April and August ) a statement of harmfulness . That is a record in which the Administration considers that the actions of the engineer had been prejudicial to the public interest.

Both Martinez and his mother are still only suspected of shooting of Carrasco in the street, on his way to the PP headquarters and from there travel to Valladolid with other popular local delegation to attend a meeting of Mariano Rajoy .

Research Sources Martínez explained that the family had " long personal and political relationship " with the murdered . The very Montserrat Martínez González Triana had participated with the president of the council in various official acts. In addition, both were arrested affiliates of the Popular Party was presiding Carrasco. The daughter in 2007 as number 7 on the list of popular Astorga in the municipal elections of that year.

Indeed, the engineer started working for the council in January 2007 , just four months before the election . In those elections the PP won six councilors so he continued his work in the County . However, the resignation of a councilor of Astorga in March 2011 allowed him to be mayor of the PP during the two months remaining in office. Although Martínez González hitherto had only worked in wind energy, in the four years and five months he was in the County of Leon became responsible for " advice " to the municipalities of the province in telecommunications , broadband, Freeview and systems issues audiovisuals in the consistory .

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