martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

43% of Spanish drivers killed in 2013 tested positive for blood alcohol or drugs

The 43.09 % of drivers killed in road traffic accident last year , analyzed by the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences ( INTCF ) , tested positive for alcohol, drugs and / or psychotropic drugs.

The majority of these victims profile corresponds to a male between 30 and 40 who has consumed alcohol.

Similarly, it has been noted that 23 % of deaths due to collisions also had concentrations of these substances in blood. In this sense, the profile of a male over 60 who has been ingested psychotropic drugs and alcohol.

As indicated by the INTCF , one of the highlights of the report is data that has fallen alcohol intake on victims of trafficking in more than 6 points, while the intake of drugs and psychotropic drugs has increased 3 and one point, respectively.

Del Bosque dismisses Arbeloa and quotes Carvajal

Vicente del Bosque has announced the list of 30 players that make up the shortlist of Spain for the World Cup in Brazil. Among the new features , highlighted the presence of goalkeeper De Gea , which occupies the injured Valdes and midfielder Iturraspe , which comes first in the plans of Salamanca coach . The most notable absence is that of Arbeloa , who stays out of the squad out in favor of Carvajal.

The side of Madrid is the only player block Champion , 2008 and 2012 European Championships and the 2010 World Cup in Brazil will not be proclaimed . Nor will defend Star Village in South Africa Puyol and Capdevila, headlines in the historic final against the Netherlands . Another of the highlights of Monreal is low , which gives way to Alberto Moreno.

No Spanish campus between researcher hundred more impact

The first global ranking of universities made ​​by the European Commission includes no Spanish campus between researcher hundred more impact. In this work ( considering only the index of citations in scientific papers ) only two EU universities are in the top 10 of the standings, leading the semidesconocida University of California Santa Cruz (USA) . The community is somewhat more favorable result in the list of co-publications with industry , in which seven campus among the largest in the world. In this case, the ranking is led by France Télécom Paris Tech , which is not even among the first 300 in the prestigious Shanghai ranking .

The list divides universities into five separate rankings - reputation together research , quality of teachers and teaching , international orientation , successful knowledge transfer (agreements with companies) and contribution to economic growth and regional - casts such amazing results as disparate europeos.Solo centers for three of these paragraphs have been released today .

The EU fines Basque councils with 30 million euros for fiscal incentives

The Luxembourg Court has already sanctioned. Basque Provincial Councils must pay a fine of 30 million euros, to understand and repeatedly breached not only the decisions of the European Commission but especially an earlier judgment rendered by this Court Community in 2006 , which declared illegal several aid tax applied in Bizkaia , Alava and Gipuzkoa. These tax incentives were in place in the early 90s and assumed important tax breaks for start-ups and also for the significant investments that performed

The autopsy revealed that Carrasco was topped with a coup de grace to the head after being shot three times at close range in the back

The provisional results issued to the holder of the Court of Instruction No. 4 of Lion instructs the death of the president of the council show that Isabel Carrasco was topped with a coup de grace to the head, after receiving three shots at close range in the back , two in the trunk and one in the base of the neck , near the collarbone and neck .

According to sources in the investigation, Martinez last week , exmilitante PP , had received the news that should return a significant amount (some sources say up to 12,000 euros ) improperly charged after his dismissal as the interim council in May 2011 , having worked there from January 2007
And meanwhile , continue interrogating the two suspects , mother and daughter. " Extremely quiet and even colder ," say the police have attended his first and unsuccessful claims. María Montserrat González Fernández , the mother accused of killing the president of the council of Leon , Isabel Carrasco, and again denied knowing anything about the murder. " Why am I arrested ? I have nothing to do with this, " he repeated over and over again , sources of research, emphasizing that again and again keeps the same version without incurring contradictions.