martes, 13 de mayo de 2014

No Spanish campus between researcher hundred more impact

The first global ranking of universities made ​​by the European Commission includes no Spanish campus between researcher hundred more impact. In this work ( considering only the index of citations in scientific papers ) only two EU universities are in the top 10 of the standings, leading the semidesconocida University of California Santa Cruz (USA) . The community is somewhat more favorable result in the list of co-publications with industry , in which seven campus among the largest in the world. In this case, the ranking is led by France Télécom Paris Tech , which is not even among the first 300 in the prestigious Shanghai ranking .

The list divides universities into five separate rankings - reputation together research , quality of teachers and teaching , international orientation , successful knowledge transfer (agreements with companies) and contribution to economic growth and regional - casts such amazing results as disparate europeos.Solo centers for three of these paragraphs have been released today .

In the list of Economics and Business Studies three Spanish universities appear in positions 46 (Lleida ), 47 ( Deusto) and 56 ( Navarra) . And impact on the regional economy, in 24th private Nebrija University in Madrid, something that surprises by its small size and short history . The classification , called U- Multirank , intended as a tool for students to decide what they want to pursue university center studies and includes a total of 850 campuses worldwide , of which 62 % are European .

The European ranking is counter - relevance of Shanghai in which only 10 Spanish listed among the top 500 universities in the world, and has primarily considered the impact of investigations and surveys , including Nobel Prizes and Medals Fields received in its history by students and teachers. This second favors the scientific campus , most whites. Because, for example, Severo Ochoa had not spent at the Complutense University campus this would fall 80 steps in the listing.

Community tool is available today for anyone to develop their own university ranking schools according to their own criteria and has been developed by a group of professors at the University of Twente (Netherlands ) , the German Centre for Higher Education , University of Leiden (Netherlands ) and the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium ) . In their analysis, these experts have taken into account a total of 1,200 schools and 5,000 programs of study offered by 70 universities around the world and contrasted with the results that shed the most recognized classifications, such as Times Higher Education or the aforementioned World Ranking Universities of Shanghai Jiao Tong University .

The position in these rankings , very popular in the last decade, as the British publication Times Higher Education- determines the policies of many governments. The Spanish Minister of Education José Ignacio Wert, and the opposition has complained many times the bad position of national campus in these listings . Many experts claim not neglect important objectives that do not measure the ranking, as the quality of teaching or equity. In France , the shortage of Gauls campus among the 100 ended in legal reform ; in Spain , the program of the Government Campus of International Excellence , whose progression has been stopped by the crisis began to distribute funds to the best projects with the aim , among others, to place " the best Spanish universities in the top 100 European universities "

Within Europe even some associations have criticized the Community multiranking . Including the European League of Research Universities ( LERU , its acronym in English ) , which includes most of the major research universities of the continent (such as Cambridge , Oxford , Zurich , Amsterdam and Barcelona). " The attempt to reduce the evaluation of all the diverse areas of universities to a single number is doomed and has several negative side effects ," said Kurt Deketelaereen few months ago , and is considered a waste, in the pages of this daily . 's multiranking has a budget of 2 million euros for the period 2013-2015 and heading out of the Erasmus Plus program. "Our goal is an independent international organization handling the ranking as a sustainable business model soon " explains the Commission.

Ten days ago the ranking drawn up annually by the British publication Times Higher Education (THE) poscionó seven Spanish universities in the top 100 world's youth campus . Spain is also the fourth largest , behind the United Kingdom, Australia and the U.S. , with more campuses in the top 100. Pompeu Fabra University , created in 1990 in Barcelona, ​​ranked 13th .

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